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Jilin University Discipline Cross-fertilization Innovation Forum (4th phase) and the first Construction and Engineering Crossover Forum were successfully held

SOURCE :     TIME:2021-12-22

In order to promote cross-fertilization innovation and synergistic development of various disciplines and create new opportunities for cross-fertilization of disciplines, the Jilin University Discipline Cross-fertilization Innovation Forum (4th phase) and the first Construction and Engineering Cross-fertilization Forum was successfully held on 19th December 2021 at the Water Engineering Building, Chaoyang Campus of Jilin University.

The forum was sponsored by the Development Planning Office of Jilin University and hosted by College of Construction Engineering. The opening ceremony of the forum was hosted by Prof. Zhang Wen, Vice President of College of Construction Engineering. Professor Lin Jun, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Head of Department of Geosciences, Professor Zhang Jie, Director of Development Planning Office, Professor Xu Tianfu, President of College of New Energy and Environment, Professor Zeng Zhaofa, President of College of Earth Exploration Science and Technology, Professor Shan Xuanlong, President of College of Earth Sciences, Yi Changtao, Secretary of Party Committee of College of Construction Engineering, and teachers and postgraduates from 7 academic departments of Jilin University participated in this forum through offline and online methods. Academician Lin Jun was invited to attend the forum and delivered a speech, emphasizing that cross-fertilization of disciplines was an important support and reliance for the development of national science and technology, and earnestly hoped that we could fully communicate and create opportunities for cross-fertilization and collaborative development. Professor Guo Wei, Executive President of College of Construction Engineering, delivered a welcome speech.

The forum combined online and offline, academic presentation and free discussion. The theme of the forum was “Resource Environment and Livable Earth”, and four topics were set, namely: resource environment and human geography; intelligent resource environment driven by big data; development of major scientific and technological instruments and equipment for resource environment; environmental problems and life health in resource development; resource development and environmental protection under the strategy of revitalizing Northeast China.

The forum arranged 3 keynote lectures and 11 invited lectures, with the lecturers spanning 10 colleges, 11 primary disciplines and 13 secondary disciplines. Professor Shan Xuanlong, President of College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University; Professor Zhang Zhihui, National Outstanding Youth, Vice President of College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Director of National International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Engineering Bionics; Professor Wang Yanzhang, Professor of College of Instrument Science and Electrical Engineering and Executive Deputy Director of National Geophysical Exploration Instrument Engineering Technology Research Center (online) made a keynote lecture at the conference. 11 experts, including Professor Wang Guoqing, Vice President of Baiqiu'en Medical Department, Professor Zhou Miaolei from College of Communication Engineering, Professor Zheng Na from College of New Energy and Environment, Professor Wang Boxin, Vice President of College of Construction Engineering, Professor Ma Zhichao, Vice President of College of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Professor Xu Jijing from College of Chemistry, Professor Gao Ke from College of Construction Engineering, Professor Li Jing from College of Earth Exploration Science and Technology, Associate Professor Yang Chen from College of Earth Science, Associate Professor Cao Chen from College of Construction Engineering, and Professor Zhang Dayi from College of New Energy and Environment, gave invited lectures at the conference.

After the academic conference, the experts visited the History Museum of College of Construction Engineering, and then had a lively free discussion on the theme of the forum in the subcommittee. The discussions centered on the theme of Resource Environment and Livable Earth, and were oriented to national major strategic projects. The discussions conducted in-depth disciplinary exchanges on the development of major scientific instruments for resource environment, the characteristics and laws of life forms in deep earth exploration, polar exploration and clean energy development, and the exploration of difficult mountainous areas.

More than 200 experts and scholars from the Departments of Earth Sciences, Engineering, Information Sciences and Emerging Interdisciplinary Sciences, Science, Baiqiuen Medicine, Agriculture and Humanities of Jilin University participated in this cross-fertilization innovation forum adopting offline meetings and online synchronization.

Through this conference, the advantages of cross-fertilization and innovation of Jilin University with a wide range of disciplines were demonstrated. Experts and scholars from various fields had in-depth discussions and exchanges on “Resource Environment and Livable Earth”, which brought new ideas for the construction of “Resource Environment and Livable Earth”, and initially formed a series of frontier scientific issues and major technical problems with interdisciplinary characteristics. The conference has promoted the cross-fertilization among different departments, colleges and disciplines of Jilin University, and provided wisdom and impetus for the construction and development of double first-class disciplines of Jilin University!