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CCE NSFC Application Series Activities (1)—Motivating and Guiding Meeting on NSFC Application Writing

SOURCE :     TIME:2021-11-25

In order to consolidate the achievements of CPC history education, practice the initiative of "Doing some practical things for teachers and students", help the teachers of CCE better apply the 2022 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and improve the quality of application, College of Construction Engineering (CCE) organizes a series of activities. At 9:00 a.m. on November 24, one of the activities about NSFC application was held in Room 325 of the Shuigong Building. Prof. Wenliang Xu was invited to give a lecture entitled How to Write a NSFC Application, which attracted many teachers of CCE to attend. The activity was moderated by Prof. Wen Zhang.


Professor Xu started from the main points of NSFC reform and summarized the new initiatives of the reform. He expounded NSFC application policy and reasons of failure in application. In addition, he shared his valuable experience in the NSFC application process, and shared the skills of writing NSFC project applications from the perspective of evaluation experts, helping the teachers to understand in detail the topics, abstracts, project basis, feasibility and research basis when writing a NSFC application. He also highlighted the process of project application, acceptance, evaluation and review meeting, as well as the precautions for each step.


After the lecture, Prof. Xu gave detailed answers to the questions raised by the teachers who further understand the evaluation process and key points of verification NSFC projects after attending the activity. This activity greatly promotes and facilitates the application of NSFC projects in CCE.