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The Women’s Committee of the College of Construction Engineering held a paper-cutting activity by hand

SOURCE :     TIME:2022-11-15

In accordance with the requirements of the grass-roots womens activities of Womens Home, One Family, One Flavor organized by the Womens Committee of the University, the Womens Committee of the College of Construction Engineering organized a paper-cutting activity on November 9th, 2022.

During the activity, all the sisters held scissors in their hands and put their whole body and soul into the various patterns in their hands. Some sisters acted as technical guides on how to fold different types of paper cuts, where to cut first and where to cut second, how to cut the serrations more beautifully, and how to glue the finished product more flatly on the base board. We discussed and communicated with each other, and a burst of happy laughter came out from the scene.

When the paper cutting works were presented in front of our eyes, we all felt the happiness we got from our labor. This activity made everyone leave behind the busy and fast-paced working life and quietly harvest a little happiness; also through paper-cutting, the traditional culture of our Chinese nation, we offered blessings to the great Communist Party of China.