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Global Competency Improvement Program -Jilin University - UC Berkeley Underground Environment Intelligent Simulation and Early Warning online course successfully concluded

SOURCE :     TIME:2021-09-01

In order to actively respond to the challenges brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, actively guide students to carry out online course learning and scientific researches in an international cooperative environment, and help the university build a first-class discipline of geological resources and geological engineering and a national first-class curriculum, the online course “Underground Environmental Intelligence Simulation and  Early Warning " jointly organized by the College of Construction Engineering of Jilin University and the University of California, Berkeley was successfully completed on August 31, 2021 with the support of the “Global Competency Enhancement Program" (online) in the Summer of 2021.

At the closing ceremony, Zhang Guangcui, Director of the Office of Global Engagement of Jilin University, pointed out in her speech that Jilin University always insists on open cooperation and supports various forms of practical cooperation between teaching and research units and top universities and research teams in the world, such as online courses, joint supervision of postgraduate students and joint research, etc., so as to provide more colorful international cooperation projects for Jilin University students. We look forward to further cooperation between the College of Construction Engineering and the University of California, Berkeley and Professor Yoram Rubin's team, and to produce more results.

 In his speech, Professor Dai Zhenxue, Dean of the College of Construction Engineering, summarized the completion of the online course program and expressed his expectation for deeper and more types of cooperation and academic exchanges with UC Berkeley and Professor Yoram Rubin's team in the future. In her speech, Associate Professor Zhang Xiaoying, a representative of the young teachers, said that Professor Yoram Rubin's research in the areas of groundwater flow and reactive solute transport simulation, geological disposal of nuclear waste and carbon dioxide, and deep learning is high-level. Through this online course, she learned the teaching concepts and methods of the top international teaching team, and further broadened her thinking and vision, which will be very helpful for both teaching and research in the future.

Professor Yoram Rubin from UC Berkeley said that the students from Jilin University performed well in the course. They were well prepared and hard-working with agile minds and both sides gained a good teaching and learning experience. He looked forward to continuing the close and long-term exchanges and cooperation between the two sides to discuss cutting-edge scientific issues and joint training of talents in the field of intelligent simulation of underground environments.

The online course consisted of 20 hours of lectures and 4 seminars, with Professor Yoram Rubin and his team teaching a cutting-edge course on intelligent simulation and early warning of the underground environment based on stochastic geostatistics and deep learning theory. Over 30 students and 4 young faculty members from the College of Construction Engineering and the College of New Energy and Environment of Jilin University participated in the online course.

The students and teachers participating in the course said that during this online learning, they had close contact with renowned experts in international hydrogeological community, learned about the research of the world's top universities in the field of intelligent simulation of the underground environment, consolidated their geographical theoretical knowledge, stimulated their interest in learning and strengthened their confidence to work in hydrogeology.