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发布日期:2024-05-31 作者: 编辑:周甲木 点击:

本期专家:Jihong Cole-Dai


报告1题目:Polar Ice Drilling and Ice Core Research in the United States 美国极地冰钻和冰芯研究概况

报告1时间: 63 上午930

报告1地点:吉林大学朝阳校区 水工楼325

报告2题目:Comprehensive Records of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions in the Holocene (11,000 years) from a West Antarctica Ice Core

报告2时间: 63 下午1400

报告2地点:吉林大学朝阳校区 水工楼319


Jihong Cole-Dai现任美国南达科他州州立大学化学教授,从事环境化学和全球变化研究,研究极地冰雪样本中的化学成分。研究记录包括67篇经同行评审的论文和100多场演讲。自1996年以来多次率领野外考察队前往南极和北极,在美国国家科学基金会资助的项目中采集冰芯。在研究、教育和合作方面获得的奖项包括:2021年自然科学学院颁发的 William Wadsworth Jr. Elaine Wadsworth 研究捐赠奖、2023 年化学和生物化学系颁发的 Leo Elaine Spinar 本科教学优秀奖,南达科他州立大学全球参与教师奖。


        United States scientific research in the polar regions including Antarctica is primarily funded and managed by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF Office of Polar Programs (OPP) supports world-class Arctic and Antarctic science through grants to researchers across the United States and by providing polar facilities and operational support. The NSF annual budget for polar programs is approximately $500 million. Cutting edge polar ice core research is part of OPP Glaciology program and is conducted by scientists in many U.S. universities and colleges. Researchers use ice cores from Antarctica and the Arctic (Greenland, Alaska, Northern Canada) to study global history of environmental conditions including climate, atmospheric chemistry, and interactions between components in the Earth climate system, with the goals to understand how the Earth climate has evolved in the recent geological past and how this knowledge may be used to understand the setting of the current climate and to forecast future climate changes. The U.S. Ice Drilling Program (IDP) is tasked by NSF through cooperative agreements to drill ice cores for research. The current IDP is a collaborative program between Dartmouth College (program direction and management), University of New Hampshire (digital communications), and University of Wisconsin, Madison (drilling operations support). IDP, through its Science Advisory Broad, articulates the direction of U.S. ice coring and drilling science and identifies the drills and drilling technology required to enable the science. U.S. researchers needing polar ice cores follow established procedures to request and receive ice coring support from IDP in coordination with OPP through the NSF scientific research proposal process.

主办单位:吉林大学建设工程学院 吉林大学极地科学与工程研究院 吉林大学极地研究中心