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College of Construction Engineering held “Jilin University-Oxford University Frontier Academic Forum”

SOURCE :     TIME:2022-05-19

On May 17th, the 2nd lecture of the 2nd phase of “Jilin University-Oxford University Frontier Academic Forum” was successfully held, which was hosted by Office of Global Engagement and Exchange of Jilin University and co-organized by College of Construction Engineering. This lecture invited associate professor Sinan Acikgoz from Oxford University to give an online academic lecture entitled “Protecting the Historic Built Environment from Damage due to Underground Construction Induced Ground Movements”, which was hosted by associate professor Shanshan Yao from College of Construction Engineering.

Dr. Sinan Acikgoz graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge (Engineering) and is currently an associate professor in the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford, specializing in masonry structures, structural health monitoring, structural dynamics, and soil-junction interactions.

During the lecture, associate professor Sinan Acikgoz shared with teachers and students how to use cutting-edge technology to detect and monitor the health of above-ground buildings in the context of underground construction, combining ongoing experimental research and lively examples, providing a detailed introduction to cutting-edge scientific results such as measurement techniques to quantify local damage to structures and efficient modeling techniques to measure structural response. The presentation by associate professor Acikgoz was informative and vivid with an attractive presentation style. During the interactive session, the teachers and students from College of Construction Engineering actively asked questions, and associate professor Sinan Acikgoz gave patient answers to them one by one. Finally, the conference ended with the collision and convergence of perspectives.

The lecture was attended online by more than 1100 teachers and students of Jilin University as well as inside and outside the university. After the meeting, the participating teachers and students expressed that they had benefited a lot and broadened the academic horizon.

During the epidemic, College of Construction Engineering made full use of global quality educational resources and invited well-known experts and scholars from domestic and abroad to carry out various academic exchange activities online in order to meet the demands of teachers and students to improve their academic and scientific research capabilities and conduct foreign exchange and cooperation. In the future, the college will continue to expand the exchange platform and provide better environment to teachers and students for academic exchange and cooperation with the support of the university's International Cooperation and Exchange Office.