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Students of Our College Won the Championship in the First National Engineering Geology Innovation and Practice Competition for College Students

SOURCE :     TIME:2021-10-23

On October 15, 2021, the First National Engineering Geology Innovation and Practice Competition for College Students was held in Qingdao. Two teams from the College of Construction Engineering (CCE) got through to the final. Finally, the team consisted of Bai Ji, Li Jincheng and Li Zhihai, jointly mentored by Cao Chen and Chen Hui'e, won the outstanding prize; and the team consisted of Luo Yonggui, Lei Haomin and Li Yuchao, jointly mentored by Song Shengyuan and Xu Xin, won the second prize.

Thanks to the excellent performance of our teams in the preliminaries, shoot-offs and the grand final, and with a total score being streets ahead of other competitors, CCE was ranked first and granted the honorary title of "Excellent Organization Award". Both teams did quite well in the competitions.  

(Award Certificates)


The National Engineering Geology Innovation and Practice Competition for College Students aims to build a platform for college students majored in geological engineering, civil engineering and environmental engineering to inspire them, show their talents and enhance communication, and at the same time to cultivate college students' ability to link theory with practice and innovation, and improve their initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of learning.

During the preliminary stage, with the support from the CCE, the Department of Geological Engineering carefully organized the pre-tournament selection, training and guidance for the teams. Finally, two teams of our college were selected by the organizing committee to participate the competition, with the works of "To Draw a Rainbow with the Organic Concrete - Ecological Protection Technology for Side Slope of Tailings & Industrial Waste" and "Enhancing Internally and Externally with Steel and Drill Robs - Green Protection Technology against Expansive Soil Landslide". Both of them were selected as finalists with their works.

(Models Created for the Contest )

After the preliminaries, a total of 58 teams from 29 geology colleges and universities across China entered the final round. In the final round, two teams from our college showed their models and gave detailed explanations to the experts from the Engineering Geology Committee, Geological Society of China. They fully demonstrated the innovative ideas of the models, answered the questions of the experts and listened to their suggestions, and won wide praise. In the model design defense and Q&A session, the team members performed quite well. They cooperated closely with each other and broke into the grand final based on their professional qualities. During the grand final, they competed with teams from other nine schools.


(Expert Judges Scoring on Site)

The final is a battlefield without smoke of gunpowder-there were crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the ten teams which were very strong. However, the CCE teams kept cool in the face of challenges. With the rapid reaction ability and diverse knowledge accumulation, one of the CCE teams barged itself to the forefront after the two rounds of fierce knowledge quick-answer question and required question competition. Finally, the team ranked first in the standings with 244 scores in total, winning the second place by 37 scores, and finally won the Outstanding Prize!

(During the Grant Final)


(The Final Scores)

(Academician Peng Jianbin Gave Awards to the Winners)

All team members from Jilin University were recognized for their excellent performance throughout the competition and won CCE the honorary title of "Excellent Organization Award". In the competition, the team members and teachers from Jilin University showed their courageous, self-confident and self-improvement spirit.