ZHENG Shaopeng

SOURCE :     TIME:2021-06-03

Name: ZHENG Shaopeng (Ph.D.)

Title: Associate   Professor

Email: zhengsp0428@126.com

Address:   217 Shui Gong Building

Research Interests

1.Structral dynamic response analysis

2.Structural topological optimization


09/2006 – 06/2010Bachelor of EngineeringSchool of Mechanical and Aerospace Engieering, Jilin UniversityChina

09/2010 – 06/2015Doctor of MathematicsSchool of MathematicsJilin UniversityChina

Working Experience

07/2015 – 07/2019 PostdoctoralCollege of Construction Engineering, Jilin   University, China

09/2019 – 12/2019 LecturerCollege of Construction Engineering, Jilin   University, China

01/2020 – now Associate ProfessorCollege of Construction Engineering, Jilin   University, China

Representative   Achievements

A new vibration reanalysis method is firstly   proposed, which has high computational efficiency in the repeated calculation   of the natural frequency and mode shape of the structure. In the second, a   more efficient method is proposed for calculating structural harmonic   response in topology optimization problems. In the third, a reanalysis method   is proposed to efficiently calculate the natural frequency and mode shape of   the structure when some components need to be increased in the optimization   process, that is, the degree of freedom of the corresponding finite element   model is increased. Fourth, an effective calculation method is proposed to   optimize the natural frequency of the structure in the topological   optimization problem. This method can effectively improve the efficiency of   the structure optimization on the premise of ensuring the final structure   accuracy.


1. Zheng SP,   Wu BS, Li ZG. Vibration   reanalysis based on combined approximations with shifting, Computes and   Structures, 201514972-80.

2. Zheng SP,   Wu BS, Li ZG. Free   vibration reanalysis of structures with added degrees of freedom. Computers   and Structures, 2018, 206:31-41.

3. Zheng SP,   Zhao XQ, Yu YP, Sun YH. The approximate   reanalysis method for topology optimization under harmonic force excitations   with multiple frequencies. Struct Multidisc Optim, 2017, 56:1185-1196.

4. Sun YH,   Zhao XQ, Yu YP, Zheng SP. An   efficient reanalysis method for topological optimization of freely vibrating   continuum structures of simple and multiple eigfrequencies.   Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 2728408, 1-10.


1. The   National Natural Science Funds, Research on The   application of the dynamic reanalysis method in the process of the optimal   design for the derrick structure”,41602369200K01/2017-12/2019.  


Undergraduate   courses

1.  theoretical mechanics

2.   mechanics of materials

Postgraduate   courses

1.   Structural Dynamics

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