LI Xiaolin

SOURCE :     TIME:2021-06-03

Name: LI   Xiaolin (Ph.D.)

Title: Associate   Professor


Address:   219 Shui Gong Building

Research Interests

1. Computational Mechanics

2. Engineering Mechanics


09/2018   –now, Post doctor in Geological Resources and Geological Engineering, College   of Construction Engineering, Jilin University, China

09/2012 –   06/2015, Doctor in Solid Mechanics, School of Mechanical Science and   Engineering, Jilin University, China

09/2009 –   06/2012 Master in Engineering Mechanics, College of Mechanics and Materials, Hohai   University, China

09/2005 –   06/2009, Mechanical   Engineering, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hohai   University, China

Working Experience

09/2019-now, Associate Professor, College of   Construction Engineering, Jilin University, China

07/2015-08/2019,   Lecturer, College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University, China

Representative   Achievements 

Smoothed   multiscale stochastic collocation method for flow in fractured rocks

A   smoothed multiscale stochastic collocation method SMsSCM was proposed to   solve stochastic

problems of   fluid flow in heterogeneous fractured rocks. The basic idea of this method is   to simplify the sto⁃

chastic problem   into a series of deterministic problems at the collocation points based on   the sparse grid

stochastic   collocation method then   construct multiscale basis functions using limited global information to

demonstrate   material heterogeneity and coupled relationship of fluid flow in porous and   fractured media

and finally   solve the coarse scale problem by reflecting the small scale heterogeneity on   large scale materi⁃

alwith the   adoption of gradient smoothing technique when assembling the coarse element   correlation ma⁃

trix. Comparing   with the traditional multiscale stochastic collocation methodSMsSCM   transforms inner inte⁃gral of the interest domain into boundary integral   without solving the continuous form and derivatives of thebasis functions   when assembling the correlation matrix of coarse element. Correspondinglythe programminghas   been simplified and the finite element system is fairly softened. The results   indicate that SMsSCM is more accurate and efficient than the traditional   multiscale stochastic collocation method.


1. Zhou Liming,Li Ming,Chen Bingkun,Li Feng,   Li Xiaolin*. An inhomogeneous cell-based smoothed finite element method   for the nonlinear transient response of functionally graded   magneto-electro-elastic structures with damping factors, Journal of   Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2019, 30(3): 416-437SCI)

2.Xiao   Lin Li,Li  Ming Zhou. An element-free Galerkin method for   electromechanical  coupled analysis in piezoelectric materials with   cracks,advances in  mechanical engineering,2017(9):1-11SCI)  

3. MENG Guang-weiLI Xiao-linZHOU   Li-ming.Electromechanical Coupling Analysis of Functionally Graded Piezoelectric   Plate Based on MEMsFEM, Journal   of South China University of Technology ( Natural Science Edition)201644(10)   : 81-86.(EI


1. Jilin   Provincial Department of Education Fund Project, Study on coupling failure   mechanism of thermal protection composites based on multiscale method,JJKH20190131KJ25K01/2019-12/2021

2. Zhengzhou   hydraulic machinery co., LTDResearch and development of non -   standard hoisting equipment and non - standard hydraulic metal structure3R2202044424   ,1100K , 01/2018-08/2023

Awards and Prizes

1. Teaching Rookie of Jilin Province,2020.12

2. First prize of Lecture competition for young teachers of Jilin   University,2020.09

3.Second   Prize of the First Jilin Province Universitiy   Intelligent Classroom Teaching Innovation Competition,2019.12

4. Excellent Instructor Award of National Zhou Peiyuan Competition on   Mechanics for College Students,2019.07

5. First   prize of the First   Jilin Province Universitiy Speaking contest ,2019.04


Undergraduate   courses

1. Mechanics of Materials

2. theory of elasticity

3. Freshman   Seminar

Postgraduate   courses

1. Continuum Mechanics

2. Finite Element Method in Civil Engineering

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